The pulse of the young
Anushka Sivakumar
Last Updated IST
Riaz (in red) coordinating an event with DJ Varun. DH Metrolife print
Riaz (in red) coordinating an event with DJ Varun. DH Metrolife print

In a move to make Bangalore’s night life a lot more happening and funky, Rohit and Riaz, two second-year students from CMR Institute of Management Studies, started ‘Duobeat Productions’. They aim to turn the nightlife in the City from ‘highly boring’ to ‘high brow’.

 The start-up, that was established in March this year, has come a long way in a short span of time. ‘Duobeat Productions’ mainly organise evening ventures and parties for Bangaloreans, be it custom parties, house parties and even freshers’ parties and graduation parties.

“If someone has a plan, we make it happen. We take care of the organisation, music, set, logistics and space and help put the entire concept together,” says Rohit.

The big events that ‘Duobeat Productions’ have organised include ‘Rage Express’ at ‘Fbar’ and ‘Beat the Heat’ at Sheraton.

They have also organised events for which DJs like Rohit Barker and Varun have played. Their biggest highlight is organising an event at Sunburn arena, in which international DJ Tiesto entertained the crowd.

“If the clients have an idea, they give us the requirements and we see what suits them best by working with what they have. Our aim is to set the scene on fire so that the crowd is entertained,” says Riaz. The duo are planning to further expand by organising parties only for ladies and getting in more clients. “The exclusive party just for ladies is still at the planning stage. We want to be a catalyst for change and give them something different.’’

They are also trying to bring in the concept of ‘Last Minute Parties’, where a party can be organised in a day. ‘’It requires a lot of efficiency and precision to plan a party in a day, take care of logistics and the setup. We are targeting the young people of Bangalore,’’ says Rohit.

‘Duobeat Productions’ started mainly because the two thought that the parties in the City were monotonous and wanted to give the mundane a twist. “We started this because we thought there was an issue with the nightlife. It was too drab,” he adds. Relying on word of mouth and with social media as their biggest marketing tool, ‘Duobeat Productions’ has been going on at a steady pace.

“Start-ups have to be unique and creative as a lot of them are coming up.  We have the same clients coming back to work with us because they are really happy with what we do,” says Riaz.

“If someone has an idea and he or she thinks it addresses a problem, he or she should become an entrepreneur,’’ he adds.

This self-sustained venture worked out because of their passion. “When we started, we began without a penny but now, we have a lot of people asking us to organise parties. A lot of discouragement came from our family itself but we pushed ourselves because we had a dream. The best moment is when people come up to us and say that the party was really good. That is our biggest success factor.”

(Published 29 July 2014, 19:08 IST)