Sanjayanagar gets cycle rental service
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Sanjayanagar gets cycle rental service
Sanjayanagar gets cycle rental service

North Bengaluru neighbourhood Sanjaynagar has got a cycle rental service  with  250  cycle stands.  

The cycle stands have been installed by the CiFoS (Citizens for Sustainability) with grants received from the United Ways of Bengaluru  as part of  a Neighbourhood Improvement Partnership.  Bengaluru Development Minister K J George launched the service on  Saturday.

"The cycle rental services are provided by PEDL from Zoomcar. Initially, they will be providing 70 rental cycles across 13 locations in and around Sanjaynagar. Residents who want to use the rental cycles will have to download the Zoomcar app. The rental cycles come with a basket in the front hence making it convenient for residents to use these cycles for their local shopping and move away from taking a two-wheeler or four-wheeler for this purpose. PEDL has an inaugural offer of Rs 2 per hour as rental charges,"  the CiFoS said in a press release.  

(Published 19 February 2018, 00:34 IST)