Skincare tips for a happy HoliA skincare regime that ensures a hassle-free celebration.
Asra Mavad
Last Updated IST

Holi is one of the most fun, exciting and colorful festivals that are celebrated with full fervor in India. Cheerful souls in quirky ensembles, drenched in vibrant colours and high spirits, swooning over psychedelic beats and popular Bollywood numbers, India’s very own Tomorrowland.

However, like any other high-octane fests, Holi too has some after-effects. Especially on your skin and hair. But don’t let these concerns dampen your festive spirit, here are some pre-holi skincare tips to gear you up for the festival.

Ice your face


Rubbing ice cubes on your face before going out to play Holi works wonders in closing the pores of your skin. Rub ice cubes on a clean face for about 10-15 mins and you can ensure that the harmful colors can’t penetrate your skin and cause outbursts.

Sunscreen is a must

Sunscreen is non-negotiable. Opt for a light formula sunscreen if you don’t like the greasy feel on your face but make sure its greater than 30 SPF. Apply sunscreen on the face and other exposed body parts 30 minutes before stepping out and reapply it after every 3 hours to protect your skin from the harsh UV rays.

Hydrate and moisturize

Drink plenty of water and stay well hydrated to combat the heat and humidity. Indulge in a major moisturizing routine to prevent the colour from getting absorbed on the skin and hair. Oil your hair the previous night and apply body butter or moisturizer on full-body before stepping out of the house. Rub some Vaseline on delicate areas like the back of the ears, lips, and nails in order to protect them from the harsh chemicals

Cover up

Be mindful while choosing your outfit for your Holi parties and try to cover up as much as possible to minimize the damage from harsh chemicals and extreme sun exposure. Tie a bandana or scarf over the head to embrace a hip boho look while saving your lustrous locks from colour and sun damage.

(Published 20 March 2021, 15:22 IST)