Students visit construction site workers, inform them about financial schemes by governmentStudents visit construction site workers, inform them about financial schemes by government
Team Metrolife
Last Updated IST

In a small step towards empowering the lesser fortunate women, the staff and students of HKBK College of Engineering reached out to women employed as housemaids and those working at construction sites. They apprised them about their rights and explained what empowerment means.

Led by Prof Khallikkunaisa, chairperson, CICC, and Prof Sonia D’Souza, the students comprising Asra Firdows, Arjumand Yusafi, Chaitanya, Tanzella, Ayesha Nabeela and Esha Kashyap, visited neighbourhoods and met women from poor backgrounds. They spoke to them about the initiatives offered by the government for financial stability.

Addressing these women, Prof Sonia said, “While you work to give your children a better life, you must also look for better jobs so you can build a house of your own.” She also said that HKBKCE, the cell, has carried out many events to empower women and boost their confidence in the past. The initiative is supported by Director C M Faiz, and principal Dr M S Bhagyashekar.


Prof Khallikkunaisa opined that educated and well-to-do women must do their bit to help women from poor backgrounds.

The students also distributed masks, sweets, books and stationery to the women and children working.

(Published 30 October 2021, 00:00 IST)