Super speciality care at Jayanagar hospital soon
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 Health and Family Welfare minister K R Ramesh Kumar on Friday announced that the Jayanagar General Hospital would soon be given a facelift and upgraded to a super speciality hospital.

After the inauguration of the maternal and child unit at the hospital, the minister said that with the state government planning to shift Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS), its premises would be used to upgrade the hospital. He said that this was being done to provide all speciality treatments under single roof.

The state intends to start DLB course in Jayanagar General  Hospital and preference would be given to those serving in the government sector, he said.  
 The new maternal and child unit has 100 beds. The three-floor premises would consist of out-patient department, lab, emergency department, labour room, a minor OT and pharmacy among other facilities.

An young couple whose newborn daughter was kidnapped from Jayanagar General Hospital on Thursday expressed their displeasure with the treatment provided and security measures in place at the hospital.

“I lost my mother recently. When a girl child was born, I believed that my mother had taken rebirth. Today, I have lost my child as well,” Sahanashree said. Ramesh Kumar said investigations are underway and the child would be traced and re-united with its parents at the earliest.

The minister questioned the medical superintendent Dr Lokesh as to why doctors did not visit post-operative wards. He directed the Subodh Yadav, Commissioner, Health and Family Welfare, to ensure that CCTV cameras are installed in wards of all hospitals.

(Published 05 February 2017, 02:15 IST)