Teachers in a changed roleGreat time
Last Updated IST

The stage at Mount Carmel Pre-University College came alive with teachers who danced, sang and even walked the ramp to entertain the students.  The teachers proved beyond doubt that not only the students but even the teachers had talent.

The programmes were designed under the theme ‘Back to School’ and the students were asked to come dressed in school uniforms.  The campus wore a different look with students dressed in uniforms of different designs and colours. The teachers treated students to games, cakes, gifts, mementoes and snacks and made them feel special.

An array of events were slated at the auditorium.  The cultural extravaganza began with a solo dance by Swetha, the Kannada lecturer who celebrated the phase of teenage and youth through a foot-tapping number.

The teachers began the festivities by singing a  medley of English and Hindi hits which were altered to suit the occasion. The Kannada song by Sindhu from the Department of Commerce celebrated the tranquility of nature. This was followed by a scintillating dance to a medley of Bollywood chartbusters by the teachers of the ‘Item Dance Association’.

The ‘Brides of India’ segment of the ‘Fashion Show’ had the teachers walking
the ramp, complete with jewellery and matching attire. However, the highlight of the fashion show was when Principal Sr Sonia took the ramp in a Spanish inspired ensemble.
The teachers and the principal also staged a short skit titled ‘One Day in the Life of a Carmelite’, illustrating the humorous and sometimes ludicrous situations in a Carmelite’s life in college.

The teachers sportively  enacted all the tricks the students play on them in class like painting nails, snacking in between classes, SMSing, asking for let off and commenting
on the teacher’s attire, etc much to the shock of the  students.

The grand finale was a western dance by the teachers who grooved to a pulsating number.  The students were unanimous in declaring that they had a great time.
Principal Sister Sonia opined that such initiatives by teachers make the students relate to them better and ensure a better rapport on campus.

 The teachers confessed that they really liked performing for the students.

(Published 21 November 2011, 18:33 IST)