Too much to take!POSTING ONLINE
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PRIVATE MOMENTS Should intimate pictures be uploaded online?
PRIVATE MOMENTS Should intimate pictures be uploaded online?

Isn’t this too much?” This is one question that many people often find themselves asking as they come across pictures of people in lovey-dovey poses, plastered over the Internet. Internet has become a very huge medium for announcing events in one’s life like marriages, holidays and sometimes even mundane visits to a restaurant. But does this fact imply that people should be subjected to intimate and often cheesy, ‘I am so in love’ snaps taken during the honeymoon? Metrolife spoke to Bangaloreans to find out what they think about this trend and whether they find it irritating. 

“Well, personally I think people do cross the line often, as they fail to draw a line between what is personal to them and what can be shared with the rest of the world. Sometimes it’s highly uncomfortable to view cheesy pictures of people I know. Newly-wed couples are bound to have a great time together, but they need not have to put those pictures up to prove their love or to show off their trophy partners,” says Divya Dharwar, a student.

Others agree that public display of affection is too much to take most of the times. “There is difference between pictures that are ‘oh so sweet’ and ‘oh my god!’ And many people don’t know the difference,” says Akiesh, a marketing professional. The sheer size of these files are also overwhelming. “People upload 60 to 70 pictures online which include almost every moment of their honeymoon instead of posting one or two nice snaps,” says Savita, a professional.

However, there are others who don’t mind seeing all the pictures. For them ‘keeping in touch’ is the only thing that matters. “As for honeymoon pictures are concerned, ultimately it’s about networking. Unlike most schools, colleges or workplaces, the Internet is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people, to gather and share first-hand information and experiences about almost everything,” says Roshin Kuriakose, who works in an apparel store.

“I’m glad that I can keep in touch with everyone all over world in spite of being in Bangalore for the last 5 years and I genuinely want to know what everyone is upto. As far as I am concerned, it’s happy networking!” she adds.

But still the debate over the content of information rages. “Facebook is just a social network and it needs to be kept that way. You shouldn’t make it your life, and live just to put up pictures their to let everyone know that you are having a good life!” says Divya.

(Published 12 December 2010, 15:39 IST)