Uber hails Karnataka HC verdict allowing aggregators to provide auto servicesThe court, while noting that aggregators should follow the fares fixed by the government, said they can charge 10% additional fare and GST
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Credit: DH Photo
Credit: DH Photo

Uber has welcomed the Karnataka High Court’s order allowing cab aggregators to provide auto-rickshaw hailing services, while auto-rickshaw drivers’ associations that asked to ban all aggregators have mixed reactions.

The court, while noting that aggregators should follow the fares fixed by the government, said they can charge 10% additional fare and GST.

“We welcome today’s court order, which recognises that auto drivers have the right to operate using aggregator platforms. It also recognises that platforms like Uber can charge a booking fee, which allows them to cover their costs and continue to provide their services,” an Uber spokesperson said in a statement which, however, expressed concern over commission caps.


Auto-rickshaw drivers association, however, noted that the government’s skewed view has relegated them to the margins.

“The government repeatedly calls Ola and Uber for talks but somehow we are never made part of those discussions. Everyone knows why officials are talking to companies and not to the drivers who provide the actual service,” said M Manjunath, president of the Adarsh Autorickshaw Drivers’

Leader of another union, however, said the court’s ruling is good for the short term.

“The real solution is simple. The government should come up with an official app for hailing auto-rickshaws. We have been asking for it for quite some time. Since they are not doing it, we will come up with one, and let them support us.”

(Published 15 October 2022, 02:52 IST)