Vice Prez calls for raising higher education enrollment
Sandesh MS
Last Updated IST

Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu has called upon improving the gross enrolment ratio in higher education, which stands at 27%.

Beginning his speech in Kannada at the 54th annual convocation of Bangalore University on Monday, he congratulated all the toppers and gold medal winners. Citing the National Knowledge Commission’s report that India’s gross enrolment ratio in higher education stands at 27% compared with 85.8% of the US and 43.4% of China, he said figures were “a telling indicator of our underutilised potential in higher education.”

Naidu stressed improving massive open online courses (MOOC)s, distance education, etc.


“The digital revolution must make possible the wider accessibility of higher education for all and greater emphasis has to be accorded to a skill-based education by incorporating a three-pronged strategy of ‘skill, reskill and unskill’ as well as ‘learn, relearn and unlearn’,” he explained.

(Published 23 April 2019, 00:39 IST)