The waves of triumph
Deepa Natarajan Lobo
Last Updated IST
Chandan Singh
Chandan Singh

Though his passion for swimming started late in life, Chandan Singh, a final-year B.Com student of MS Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, has swum his way to various glories.

He was studying in class tenth in Raigarh when he observed a number of people swimming in his father’s company’s recreational club. “That time, I used to get into the water for fun,” he says. “Sarah, a South African world class champion, had come for a visit and was training people at the club how to swim,” he recalls.

Slowly, his interest in swimming grew and his coach Balram took him for a tournament. “I was a beginner at that time and  was amazed at the capabilities of the participants. I asked sir how could people swim so fast! He told me I could do it too if I believed in myself,” explains Chandan. By the time he was in class eleven, Chandan’s skills started to shine through.

He started winning various competitions in Chhattisgarh. He recalls a particular experience which reinforced his belief that if one sets his or her heart on something, one can achieve anything.

“At one of the state-level tournaments in Chhattisgarh, I was supposed to take part in 800 metres freestyle. But when we reached there, we realised that the event had been cancelled. I started crying to my coach. I took part in the 400 metres event but won bronze and wasn’t happy,” he notes.

“Then my coached advised me to take part in the 1500 metres freestyle and told me to believe in myself. So I just jumped into the pool and gave it my best! As I came
out of the pool, I just wasn’t able to stand. But I was the happiest as I had emerged the winner,” he gushes.

In Bangalore too, Chandan has won many tournaments. “I want to become even
better at it so whenever any tournament is held, I make it a point to take part in it. I have won a gold and two silver medals at a national-level tournament conducted by Jain College. I also won a silver at an international-level tournament held by the Bangalore University,” he informs.

However, no achievement comes easy. Chandan is up at 4.30 am everyday and goes for a job and to the gym before going to college.

 In the evening, he works out again before going for a swim between 4.30 pm and 5.30 pm.

 “I have a very hectic schedule but a good support system. Besides, I have a do or die attitude towards everything be it swimming or academics. I can spend all night studying if I want to,” he says.

Chandan’s aim now is to win as many medals as possible for the country. “I also want to clear the UPSC exams,” he says.

 According to him, it’s never too late in life to pursue your passion. “As someone who started late, I can assure people that if you are hardworking, there is no way you will not succeed,” he sums up. 

(Published 08 October 2014, 19:50 IST)