Why behave so arrogantly Shah Rukh?
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When King Khan arrived, there was a large retinue of oversized, well-groomed and well-fed bouncers, who made sure that the path was sanitised for the actor at the Chinnaswamy Stadium.

With the bulky men guarding him, there was hardly any room for SRK admirers to get near him. Women, girls, boys and even middle-aged men simply stared at the star, craned their necks and bent over in the oddest of positions to take a picture of his.

However, that didn’t move Shah Rukh one bit and he remained tight-lipped and didn’t change his grim expression. So did nerves get the best of SRK? Or was it just plain superstition that stopped King Khan from saying even a word to his fans or to the media?
Yes, at the outset he was waving out to the crowd, blowing kisses, but once the wickets started to fall, one could see how visibly upset SRK was. A couple of smokes and a steaming cup of coffee didn’t do the trick for SRK’s mood.

King Khan wore an expression of an angry spoilt kid throughout the match, until lady luck smiled and the fortunes of the game turned in his team’s favour. But he still didn’t oblige his fans and the scribes who hung around for hours waiting to get some byte from him. It looked like his entourage of security men was calling the shots. They made sure nobody got near him. One such security personnel even said, “Sir doesn’t like to talk when the match is on.” And how right he was.

The security men even accompanied him to the restroom! Even actor Shivarajkumar had to go through a long and arduous procedure to meet King Khan. And finally, when he was allowed to meet Shah Rukh, he had to wait on the aisle with other spectators for the over to end! When asked how he felt after meeting SRK, Shivarajkumar said, “I just wanted to say ‘hello’. He was engrossed in the match and I didn’t want to disturb him.”

One wouldn’t expect a man like SRK, who is adored and literally worshipped by thousands, to wear so much arrogance on his sleeve.

(Published 12 April 2012, 21:06 IST)