Christmas is a cultural celebration for all: Bishop
T R Sathish Kumar
Last Updated IST
Bishop K A William speaks during a media conference, in Mysuru, on Monday. His assistant Avinash, MDES secretary Vijay Kumar, vicar general for health and education Leslie Moras, vicar general C Rayappa and MDES financial administrator James are seen. dh
Bishop K A William speaks during a media conference, in Mysuru, on Monday. His assistant Avinash, MDES secretary Vijay Kumar, vicar general for health and education Leslie Moras, vicar general C Rayappa and MDES financial administrator James are seen. dh

Bishop of Mysuru Diocese K A William said that Christmas is all about sharing and it has become a cultural celebration among non-Christians while it remains a religious celebration for Christians.

Addressing a media conference, here, on Monday, Bishop William said that at a time when the world is witnessing unrest and turmoil, Christmas is a celebration of the arrival of Jesus Christ with the message of peace and harmony.

St Philomena’s Church


He said that Christmas carols will be played by carol troupes on eve in all churches, especially at St Philomena’s Church (St Joseph’s Cathedral) and midnight mass will be held to mark the birth of Jesus Christ.

“Morning mass will begin at 5 am and will be held at 6 am, 7 am and 8 am in various languages. The crib, depicting the birth of Jesus on the premises of St Philomena’s Church, attracts people of all faiths. Thousands of people throng the church, irrespective of faith,” William said.

Vicar general for health and education Leslie Moras said that Christianity preaches humanity and for peace of all. “Life is all about the welfare of society as a whole. Happiness is in sharing the needs and joys. Justice for all is the essence of religion. One should shed negative qualities and develop positive qualities while celebrating Christmas,” he said.

'Being human'

“There is a lot of difference between being a ‘human being’ and ‘being human’. Jesus was born as a human being to make us human. Despite all riches, some people lack peace of mind. Peace is possible through justice. One should respect all human beings and human rights to make true fraternity the order of life. One should shed pride, ego, selfishness, self-centred attitude. Christmas is an invitation to all to be fully human and be sensitive to the pains and sufferings of others,” he said.

“Rabindranath Tagore said that every child comes with a message that God is not yet discouraged by man. Although everything appears bleak and dark, Christmas gives us hope. To those who walked in darkness, a light has shone, says the Bible. Let us see God in all human beings,” Leslie Moras said.

(Published 23 December 2019, 21:59 IST)