CM's flip-flop on mining draws flak
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They questioned the rationale behind taking a delegation to the Prime Minister to ban the export of iron ore when the Chief Minister himself has not been able to check rampant illegal mining and transport in his own State. 

Continuing the discussion on the Belekeri port issue, Leader of the Opposition Siddaramaiah criticised the Chief Minister for his flip-flops on the issue. He said, Yeddyurappa showed his bravado in the Council by stating that he was ready to take the matter to the Prime Minister. Earlier, Yeddyurappa had declared that forest wealth in the State was not looted; but in the Council, he had agreed that the looting has been going on for many years. “Which was to be believed? The Chief Minister is aware that the illegal mining is happening. Why did he then keep quiet for the past two years” he asked.
T B Jayachandra (Congress) said the Centre had written to the State directing the Government to hand over the issue to the CBI for probe. He asked the Chief Minister to present both the Centre’s letters and the Government’s reply before the House.
Trying to turn the tables on the Congress, the Chief Minister cited the records stating that in 2004-05, when Dharam Singh was the Chief Minister and Siddaramaiah was his deputy, 52,39,518 MT of ore was illegally transported. So, the illegal export has continued unabated over several years, he added.

He reiterated that the Government is willing to go in for a total ban on export of ore and suggested that an all-party delegation from the State meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to get the Centre’s approval to implement the move.

The State is not dependent on the export of ore, he said adding that all those who have indulged in illegal mining need to be punished. “We will initiate an inquiry and whoever found guilty of looting the State’s mineral resources will be punished,” he said.
Tourism Minister Janardhana Reddy said criminal cases had been booked against 58 mining companies which the Lokayukta report had indicated to be involved in illegal mining activities in Bellary.

The companies had moved courts which had told them not to take up mining in the disputed areas.

Siddaramaiah challenged the Chief Minister to order a CBI inquiry into the illegal mining since 2004. “I am ready to go to jail if found guilty; you too should be ready for the same if proven guilty,” he challenged Yeddyurappa. However, the Chief Minister kept mum.
In the Council, Congress MLC K C Kondaiah said the Government should set a condition to give mining permit to the applicants only after they set up the plant.
DH News Service

(Published 02 July 2010, 22:49 IST)