EC's apathy blamed for poll offences
Last Updated IST

Veteran freedom fighter H S Doreswamy has castigated the Election Commission’s (EC) lackadaisical attitude towards poll-related offences which, he said, has led to an increasing number of irregularities during the elections over the last 40 years.

The statement was made by Doreswamy at a meeting of office-bearers of the Corruption Eradication Forum at the Legislators’ Home here on Sunday.

“We have not been able to subject those involved in illegal activities to severe punishments,” he said. “The current system’s inaction has led to a number of such irregularities and there can be no improvement as long as vested interests continue to go scot-free.”

Several cases have been lodged against those responsible for irregularities during the polls to the State Assembly, general elections and local bodies, but the Election Commission has rarely taken any action, he added. “The Election Commission should give information to the public about its actions – if any — taken during the last 40 years,” he said. The Forum plans to launch a campaign to create awareness among the electorate in April. Meetings will also be organised in all districts across the State. “Anna Hazare will take part in the campaign,” he said.

The Forum president, K Prabhakar Reddy, called upon the youth to take an active role in creating awareness among the electorate.

(Published 24 March 2013, 23:57 IST)