Free India from conversion, cow slaughter, exhorts seerCalls upon youth to protect the sanctity of Hinduism
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Vishwa Hindu Parishad International leader Prashanth Hartalkar addresses the gathering at Virat Hindu Samajotsava held in Udupi on Monday. DH PHOTO
Vishwa Hindu Parishad International leader Prashanth Hartalkar addresses the gathering at Virat Hindu Samajotsava held in Udupi on Monday. DH PHOTO

Pejavar Mutt Seer Vishweshatheertha Swami gave a clarion call to free India from conversion, terrorism, cow slaughter, untouchability and corruption, for the well-being of Hinduism.

Addressing a mammoth gathering here at Virat Hindu Samajotsav held at Mahatma Gandhi Memorial College grounds, on Monday, the seer said conversion, terrorism, cow slaughter, untouchability and corruption are the evils forbidding the ancient religion against progressing. He said the youth should come forward to build a nation with emphasis on Hinduism and the values.

The seer said youth should be determined to protect the sanctity of Hinduism, which has its roots tracing back thousand years of legacy.

Pointing out that conversion and terror are the major factor ruining Hinduism, the seer added that conversion and terrorism should be stopped immediately. He alleged that the minorities who are into conversion should understand that service oriented conversion does not serve any purpose.

Luring people and converting them is totally unethical. He urged them to take up conversion and religious preaching within the precincts of their own religion. The seer stressed peace is only possible with the elimination of these evils. He urged the other community men to stop extending support to terror activities. There is limit to the patience of the Hindus, he cautioned.

Biased approach

Alleging that the State government was biased in approach, the seer questioned the government’s attitude to censure and restrict reconversion (Ghar Vapsi) as against the ongoing forceful conversion.

He urged government to extend the facilities offered to the minorities to the majorities.
Asserting that there is an urgent need to ban cow slaughter in State, the seer said that the cattle hold a sacred place in the hearts of Hindus.

The government should introduce measure to ban cow slaughter. He urged people to stop practising untouchability. The idea of untouchability is not practised elsewhere. The social evil should be condemned, he stressed.


Delivering the key-note address, Vishwa Hindu Parishad International leader Prashanth Hartalkar said protection of Dharma is the need of the hour.

The Hindus have to prove their capabilities by conserving the religion against external influence. Holding the State government responsible for banning Praveen Togadia against delivering the keynote address, Hartalkar said that Congress is vanished from all States across the country.

Currently, Congress should think of its position before irking the large community men. The chief minister is inviting trouble by taking drastic measures against Hindu organisations.  

A grand procession was held from Jodukatte to the venue depicting the culture and tradition of Hinduism on the occasion.

(Published 09 March 2015, 23:05 IST)