Good old Doordarshan comes in handy for new-normal classes
Niranjan Kaggere
Last Updated IST
Credit: Wikipedia
Credit: Wikipedia

Engaging the high school children this academic year, the much-awaited classes on Doordarshan (Chandana channel) begin on Monday.

Amidst uncertainty over opening of schools this academic year, with an aim to keep students engaged in the curriculum, the department of public instruction has launched classes via Doordarshan’s regional channel Chandana.

The move is expected to bridge the growing gap between Urban and Rural students, as the latter have to face poor internet connectivity. The department has issued a detailed time-table for classes 8, 9 and 10.


In the first phase, the department has issued the schedule for 10 days (from July 20 to July 31). Soon after the completion of the first 10 days, the second time-table will be announced.

As per the schedule, each subject/class will be telecast for half an hour, covering eight subjects per day (total four hours). The classes commence at 9.30 am and go on till 5.30 pm spread across three different slots. Officials from the department said, “There will be unit test for students after the completion of one month of classes via Chandana channel.”

The department has released Rs 1.6 crore towards the programme and directed officials at the local level to identify children who do not have access to TV to involve them with the students in the locality who have access to

(Published 19 July 2020, 23:37 IST)