It is a challenge to increase domestic consumption of coffee
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The newly appointed Coffee Board chairperson M S Bhoje Gowda’s family has been into coffee cultivation for the last three generations. Owner of Krishna Giri Coffee estate on the foothills of Chandradrona, he is into export of ‘speciality coffee’ to Europe and other foreign countries.

Excerpts from an interview with DH:

Can we expect a permanent solution to the problems faced by the coffee planters as a coffee planter in heading the Coffee Board?

It was a long-pending demand of the coffee planters and elected representatives representing the areas where coffee is cultivated to have a coffee grower at the helm of the Coffee Board. Prime Minister
Narendra Modi has conceded to the demands of the coffee growers. By getting a post, however, one cannot solve the problems. All efforts would be made to respond to the expectations of the growers.

How will you accelerate the works of the Coffee Board as the post of the president was lying vacant for the last two years?

Coffee Board is a link between the growers and the government. The coffee industry has been facing the challenges from time immemorial. One cannot predict drought, heavy rainfall and diseases affecting coffee plants. It is the responsibility of the Coffee Board to respond to the situation.

Is there any plan to increase the internal consumption of coffee?

When compared to the coffee production and the country’s population, the domestic consumption of coffee is very less. Majority of the coffee cultivated in the country exported.

It is a challenge to increase the domestic consumption of coffee. The Board will give emphasis on protection of growers and increase the quality of coffee production in the country.

Financial assistance to growers is pending. There are complaints on disparity in distribution of financial assistance as well.

The centre has recently released a small amount of financial assistance to the Board. The assistance will be released, based on the seniority of the applications. If there are any loopholes, it will be set right in the future. The government will be urged to release the pending financial assistance.

Will the Board come to the help of coffee growers who are in distress owing to failure to get good price?

As a planter, I am well aware of the problems faced by planters. Compared to production cost, the income is not sufficient for maintenance of the coffee gardens. Some planters are not getting back the money invested. Only those who have cultivated black pepper as a sub-crop are slightly recovering from the loss.

I will hold discussions with the Centre on coming to the rescue of the planters who are in distress. 

What measures would be taken to preserve Arabica coffee which is on the verge of extinction due to vagaries of nature, disease and increase in expenditure?

The vagaries of nature are not in our hand. The Board had announced Rs 5 crore to find a permanent solution to the borer disease affecting Arabica coffee. I will hold discussion with scientists and coffee research wing to conduct research in checking stem borer, berry borer and fruit borer diseases. The
Central government should also respond to save Arabica coffee.

Will the Board support monoculture coffee cultivation without shade trees, a new experiment by the planters in Malnad?

Obviously, no. Karnataka is known for ecofriendly coffee. India is known worldwide for shade-grown coffee. We are growing trees in our farms and helping the ecosystem. The experiment of removing the shade trees for cultivation of coffee will destroy the “coffee culture” of the land.

Such experiments will not help in improving the quality of coffee. Such experiments should not be supported and the Coffee Board too will not support it too.

What measures would be taken to check the use of chicory?

There is an allegation that chicory production in the country is higher than coffee powder production. Minimum amount of chicory should be used. The guidelines on the use of chicory should be adhered to strictly.

(Published 09 May 2017, 23:33 IST)