KSRTC, pvt bus operators meet soon to end differences: DC
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He was speaking after receiving memorandum from Nagarika Hitha Rakshana Samithi and District Bus Passengers Hitharakshana Samithi office-bearers on Tuesday. The delegation said “private bus agents are acting like goondas. At the same time, they have started threatening KSRTC bus drivers. The goondaism of the private bus agents must be stopped.”

Of the 92 private bus agents, only two have licenses, which is clear violation of traffic rules. At the same time, they are violating the rules by not wearing uniform and badges.

Owing to the stopping of plying of KSRTC buses in Balele, Mallur, Bittangala, the students who possess bus pass are forced to walk for nearly 12 kms. The buses which have stopped plying in rural areas should start plying at the earliest, they urged.

Reacting to it, Deputy Commissioner said temporary licenses will be given to rural buses within a week. Measures will be taken for the movement of buses to rural areas.  Vivek Poovaiah said 45 applications are pending with regard to licenses fro the buses before RTO.

(Published 22 September 2009, 23:09 IST)