Lecturer fasts for a cause
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Instead of making long lectures, he chose a different path to create an awareness among people. Under the banner “swa abhivridigagi, swa iccheyinda madyapana tyajisi, sadrudavada bharathada nirmanakkagi pana thodi” (give up alcohol voluntarily for self-development and take a pledge for building a strong India). He began his sathyagraha at 6 am and concluded at 6 pm.

He said “Gandhiji wanted to implement ban on alcohol before independence. Unfortunately, addiction to liquor is on rise. Hence, there is a need to create an awareness among people on the ill effects of the use of alcohol.”

According to a survey conducted by WHO in 1980, of the eight crore Indians, 30 lakh are addicts. Alcohol affects the health of an individual. There is a need to give up alcohol voluntarily to create a healthy society. He urged the government to include ill affects of alcohol as a syllabus in eighth standard.

(Published 14 April 2010, 21:34 IST)