Mysore boy tops IIT-JAM
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Mysore boy tops IIT-JAM
Mysore boy tops IIT-JAM

Nimish Dwarkanath, a final-year student of BSc at Yuvaraja College here, is on top of the world. He stood 11th among the 8,000-odd students who wrote the IIT-Joint Admission Test (JAM) for physics.

The strenuous examination is held for admission to Master of Science (MS) courses in physics, mathematics, chemistry and computer science at the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the IISc. There are just about 200 MS seats in physics at all IITs and IISc.

Nimish, son of Dwarkanath and Renuka S, is yet to finish the BSc examination.  “I can’t explain how it feels to have secured the 11th rank,” an amazed Nimish said.

The boy said that he had made up his mind to take JAM immediately after enrolling in BSc. But earnest preparations began only after he passed  second year. Nimish fully realised the importance of the exam and thus, began a dedicated effort which finally bore fruit.

The Department of Physics, IIT, Kanpur, has confirmed him an MS seat. Nimish said that  his physics and chemistry teachers at the college guided him for the test.

(Published 07 June 2013, 01:29 IST)