National Congress of Spiritual Scientists on March 26, 27
Last Updated IST

Indian Federation of Spiritual Scientists, along with Vijay Foundation and Rotary Mysore, has organised the 23rd National Congress of Spiritual Scientists on March 26 and 27, at Rotary High School Auditorium, KRS Road in Mysuru.

Four books, ‘ABC of Life’ (a compilation of Osho’s talks), ‘Who Am I?’ (thoughts of Sri Ramana Maharshi), ‘Energy Medicine’ (ancient wisdom and wellness trends) and ‘Total Wellness Management’ (TWM) will be released as a part of the Congress.

The book release function will be presided over by Srinivas Arka, founder of Centre of Conscious Awareness and Arka Meditation.

The congress is being held under the guidance of Brahmarshi Patriji, founder of Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement. Aravind Jatti, president of Basava Samithi, Bengaluru, will be the chief guest and will deliver the keynote address during the inaugural function.

The speakers include Surya Narayan Pande, an expert on Yoga Sutras; T M Srinivasan, an electron physicist and a pioneer in energy medicine; S K Rajan, vice-chairman of Indian Federation of Spiritual Scientists; Girija Rajan, who conducts spirituality shows on television; Mohandas Hegde, director of Centre for Research, Education, Sadhana and Training (CREST); Purneema, past-life regression therapist; Prem Kumar, vice-president of Pyramid Dhyana Prachara Trust; Varahamurthy, Anapanasati meditationist; Jeevandhar Ketappanavar, an expert on Kabirdas and Basavanna; and B R Pai, engineer-industrialist and wellness propagator from Mysuru.

Contact 78295 55513 or 0821-2412284.

(Published 17 March 2016, 00:26 IST)