People should maintain peace in district: Sunni Yuvajana Sangha
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Kodagu is known for communal harmony and nobody should make an attempt to stir the peace and order in the district, urged Sunni Yuvajana Sangha (SYS).

The organisation condemned the act of misusing the name of a soldier to create controversy out of an accident case.

“Accidents happen on a daily basis. In Boyikeri, there was a collision between two cars, due to rain and mist and obviously, two parties got into an argument. The issue should not be blown out of proportion,” said SYS district organising secretary C M Hamid Musliar.


He further said that using a soldier’s name to create unrest in society doesn’t benefit anyone.

People in Kodagu are already suffering due to floods, landslides and the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead of creating unrest, one should respond to the difficulties of people, he said.

Many people, including ill persons, were inconvenienced during the roadblock held as a mark of protest, he added.

"Everyone respects the soldiers who protect our nation. Soldiers from all communities are in the army. People should be aware of forces that destroy peace and harmony in society. Also, police should initiate strict legal action against such forces,” said Hamid Musliar.

Leaders K I Rafique Haji and Anna Sharif have alleged that people from other districts also took part in the protest and provocative slogans were raised against a particular community, which compels one to think that the whole incident was a conspiracy, he added.

(Published 04 August 2021, 00:32 IST)