Police find video clipping of seers' claims of 'suicide'Camcorder was found in the sanctum sanctorum of Mutt
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The police investigating the mysterious death of three junior seers of Ganeshwar Avadhoot Mutt on Monday have found a camcorder-recorded video clipping in which the three have claimed that they would be immolating themselves.

The police screened the 15-minute video footage at a media briefing on Tuesday. The camcorder was found inside the sanctum sanctorum of the Mutt, the police said.

In the clipping, the three junior seers look ‘visibly disturbed, pausing for gasp and adjusting the angle of camera while recording their statements.’

Before recording their statements, each one of them have identified themselves by stating their names.

‘On our won volition’

The eldest among them, 50-year-old Errareddy Swami, in a brief statement, states, “we are committing this act of self immolation on our own and not under any pressure.”

The 17-year-old Pranav Swami refers to the promise they had made to the head pontiff Ganeshwara Swami before his death in February that they would later join him in ‘Kailas.’

Promise to the Guru

On the decision to take the extreme step of self immolation, he states that they waited for other seers to join them to keep the promise they had made to their Guru.

‘‘As no one was coming forward, we three decided to act on our own. No one should be held responsible for our actions,” Pranav Swami asserts.

Jaganath Swami describes what he feels about Ganeshwara Swami and, calls him the most revered one.

He also mentions about his life after the death of the senior seer and, what forced him to join hands with the two other junior seers to commit self-immolation.

On Monday, the police had found a ‘death note’ purportedly written by the junior seers, where it was mentioned that the three were ending their lives on their own.

(Published 10 April 2013, 02:00 IST)