Single entrance test for MBBS
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  Anchored on Supreme Court rulings which on several occasions has mandated for a common entrance test, Medical Council on India  has submitted the proposal to the Health Ministry for the single entrance test to be duly conducted by an independent national regulatory authority.

 More than 290 medical colleges both government and private will have to abide by the rules and regulations if the proposal is accepted at the Centre. The MCI has contended that the realisation of this proposal will result in the abolishment of multiple entrance tests, subsequently enabling a transparent selection process beneficial to students.

Dr Shweta Shetty, an orthopedic with a top medical teaching hospital opined that the MCI’s move to bring a common entrance test is a boon to MBBS aspirants. “With the mushrooming of deemed universities, several medical colleges have begun conducting individual entrance tests, proving to be a burden to students. The Council’s proposal will benefit MBBS aspirants as meritorious students will be adjudged based on a common entrance test. This will ensure a transparent process where the meritorious students will not be denied the opportunity to study in good medical institutions”.

Dr Chandra Kumar, medical practioner, said that the MCI’s decision was laudable and meritorious students will be able to select the medical colleges based on the common entrance test.  “Students have to prepare two years in advance to appear for entrance tests at both government and private medical colleges. Single common entrance including government and private colleges will put an end to multiple tests. ”

(Published 11 July 2009, 23:36 IST)