Student's death: Security audit at schools in rural MysuruFSL report delayed due to microscope glitch
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Following the suspicious death of a four-year-old school going boy at Periyapatna town in the district, the police authorities have decided to conduct a security audit of all educational institutions under their limits, in the district.

Answering media queries, SP Abhinav Khare said, the audit will be launched from July, with the police personnel from the respective stations visiting schools to identify the vulnerable spots on the campus. They will prepare a report on the shortcomings on the campus and submit to the authorities concerned in the institutions.

The SP said, the audit will be undertaken to ensure that the security system in schools is in place, especially after the school authorities, in general, across the State, were directed to install closed circuit TV cameras on the campus to monitor the happenings. Otherwise, the departments concerned will be recommended to take action against the schools.

CCTV cameras

The SP clarified that, had the CCTV cameras been installed at the primary section of Pushpa Convent at Periyapatna, the investigators would have at least understood, how the four-year-old Sanmith could exit from classroom, even after he was taken back to the room from the main gate.

Meanwhile, a report on the boy’s death, expected from forensic science laboratory in Bengaluru on June 22 has been delayed. 

Following a technical glitch in scanning the electron microscope (SEL) as reported by the lab authorities, the report may be expected on Friday (June 26), the SP added.

(Published 24 June 2015, 22:49 IST)