Madhya Pradesh has better roads than the US, says Shivraj Singh Chouhan
DH Web Desk
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Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan. PTI file photo
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan. PTI file photo

For Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the roads in his state is better than those of in the United States. Chouhan added with a laugh that he wasn't "just saying this," reports ANI.

"When I got down at Washington Airport and travelled on the roads, I felt that the roads in Madhya Pradesh are better than those in the US," Chouhan said at the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum meeting in Washington.

"We've constructed approximately1.75 lakh KM of roads in MP. Have connected all villages with roads," Chouhan said

Chouhan, in a series of meetings with US industry representatives and leaders of the corporate world in the US, has invited them to invest in his state.

(Published 25 October 2017, 11:15 IST)