Man pays dowry to win sweetheartAll for love
Sanjay Pandey
Last Updated IST

 The boy is the son of a rich businessman whose heart has fallen for a poor girl. Only, unlike the movies, this story does not end with the boy thrashing the villains. Rather this has a very novel turn.

According to reports, Sunil, son of a rich man in Gorakhpur town in Uttar Pradesh, was in love with a girl from the neighbouring Baharaich town for the past few years and wanted to tie the knot with her.

The girl’s parents were also ready for their marriage but the problem was that Sunil’s father wanted a dowry of  Rs 3.5 lakh in cash without which he would not settle his son’s marriage. As the girl’s father is a “muneem” (accounts clerk) at a small business firm and earns barely enough to sustain his family, he was unable to meet the dowry demand.

It appeared as if the marriage would not solemnise owing to the non-fulfilment of the demand of Sunil’s father.

Mad in love, Sunil asked the girl’s parents not to worry and said he was ready to fulfill his father’s dowry requirement. He also asked them to hold talks with his father and agree to his conditions.

The girl’s parents did so and they were given time till April next year to arrange the money and solemnise the marriage. Since then, Sunil has been depositing money in his father-in-law’s bank account so that the latter could fulfill the dowry demand. So far he has deposited Rs 1 lakh and is certain of depositing the rest of the money within the stipulated time.  “I had no option. I wanted to marry my beloved and, at the same time, did not want to disappoint my parents. So I devised this plan,” Sunil said.

However, he made it clear that the money is his own hard-earned money and not drawn from his father’s business.

(Published 18 October 2010, 22:39 IST)