Protest held in Jammu over attacks on Kashmiri pandits by militantsTerrorists fired at a Kashmiri pandit and two labourers from Bihar in South Kashmir on Monday, leaving them injured
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Representative image. Credit: iStock Images
Representative image. Credit: iStock Images

The displaced Kashmiri pandits of the Muthi migrant camp here on Tuesday held protests against the selective targeting of their community members and non-locals by terrorists in Kashmir.

Terrorists fired at a Kashmiri pandit and two labourers from Bihar in South Kashmir on Monday, leaving them injured.

Led by the Muthi Migrant camp president Anil Bhan, over 300 Kashmiri pandits took out a rally to protest against the selective attacks on the Hindus in the Valley.


Raising anti-Pakistan and anti-terrorist slogans, they demanded justice for the community member.

"We want justice. Terrorists in Kashmir responsible for the selective attacks on Hindus particularly a Kashmiri pandit, who was living in the valley for the past 32 years, must be eliminated", Bhan told reporters here.

He said such incidents are aimed to trigger panic and fear among those KPs living in the valley to force their exodus.

"Terrorists are creating fear to force the rest of non-migrant Kashmiri pandit families numbering over 800 to leave their homes as was done in 1990. We want a full-fledged security set up around them," Bhan added.

He said the aim of these selective attacks is to prevent Kashmiri pandits to return back to their homes and hearths.

He demanded a probe by a commission into the killings and the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus from the valley.

Protests were also held in the Jagti camp on the outskirts of Jammu city against the selective attacks by terrorists to instill fear among the minority Hindus in the valley. They also burnt an effigy of Pakistan.

On Monday evening, Terrorists fired at a Kashmiri pandit, Bal Krishan, in Chotigam village of Shopian district, leaving him injured. It was followed by another attack on two labourers from Bihar, Patlashwar Kumar and Jakku Choudhary, in Lajoora village of Pulwama district, leaving them injured.

Monday’s attack was the first on Kashmiri pandits since October last year when militants had shot dead a prominent businessman, M L Bindroo, at Srinagar. After the attack, the government had enhanced the security of pandits living in the Valley.

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(Published 05 April 2022, 18:10 IST)