Rightful demand of Kashmiri Pundits that they are facilitated to return to their birth place: Naidu
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Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu (PTI Photo)
Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu (PTI Photo)

Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Monday said it is quite natural for the Kashmiri Pandits to expect the governments and society to understand their sufferings and take steps for their rehabilitation.

He said it is the duty of the country as a whole and the Kashmiri people, in particular, to see that the "sons of the soil, who were driven out due to killings and terror instigated by India’s neighbour, are provided safety and security upon their return."

In a series of tweets, Naidu said it is the rightful demand of the Kashmiri Pundits and other displaced persons that they should be facilitated to return to their place of birth.


"I feel that it is quite natural for the Kashmiri Pundits to expect the governments and society to understand their sufferings and take steps for their rehabilitation," he said.

The displaced Kashmiri pandits across the world commemorated January 19 as “holocaust day” to mark the exodus of over 70,000 pandit families from the Valley due to killings and terror by Pakistan-sponsored terrorists in 1990.

(Published 20 January 2020, 22:04 IST)