The Lead: Kerala polls crucial test for Vijayan-led LDF
DH Web Desk
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Representative image. Credit: Getty Images

In this episode of the Lead, get to know the political landscape of Kerala, the changes in alliances, what are the issues driving the 2021 elections in the state and more.

Kerala Assembly has 140 seats and in 2016, 77.10 per cent of people cast their vote. 1,203 candidates threw their hats in the poll ring and 871 forfeited their deposits. With 91 seats the CPM-led LDF wrested power from the Congress-led UDF and formed the government with Pinarayi Vijayan being sworn in as the chief minister. The state has seen repeated floods and the health ministry led by KK Shailaja has battled outbreaks like the Nipah virus and is currently overseeing the Covid-19 pandemic, the handling has been well applauded but on the downside, the gold smuggling case has been a spoilsport to the government's track record.

Ahmed: Today, we are joined by our correspondent from Thiruvananthapuram Arjun Raghunath to tell about the state and what's happening this year. Hi, Arjun. Welcome to DH Radio.


Arjun Raghunath: Hi

Ahmed: How are the alliances stacked up in Kerala?

Arjun: The major change is that in the LDF, the Kerala Congress (Mani) is led by the founder-leader K M Mani son Jose K Mani has joined the LDF. He was with the UDF earlier...

To know more about the conversation, listen to the podcast.

(Published 23 March 2021, 07:32 IST)