TRS is a family cabinet, single man's party: CPI
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The CPI General Secretary Suravaram Sudhakar Reddy also said he does not think that advancing of the elections would politically benefit the TRS, claiming that generally whenever any state government went for early polls, it has lost. PTI File Photo
The CPI General Secretary Suravaram Sudhakar Reddy also said he does not think that advancing of the elections would politically benefit the TRS, claiming that generally whenever any state government went for early polls, it has lost. PTI File Photo

Veteran Communist leader S Sudhakar Reddy on Friday slammed the decision to dissolve the Telangana Assembly months before the full term, dubbing the ruling TRS as a "family cabinet and a single man's party".

The CPI General Secretary also said he does not think that advancing of the elections would politically benefit the TRS, claiming that generally whenever any state government went for early polls, it has lost.

The caretaker Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is afraid that if he continued in office, his government would get "exposed", Reddy told PTI.


On Rao holding the Congress responsible for forcing early election on the people, he said it shows that the TRS is "afraid of the Congress".

The TRS government was given a five-year mandate, but more than eight months ahead of its term, Rao abruptly recommended the House's dissolution which, Reddy said, is "undemocratic".

"The way he (Rao) announced the candidates immediately after the dissolution yesterday shows it's a single man's party. It took just three minutes for the Cabinet to approve the proposal for dissolution without any discussion", Reddy said.

"There was no meeting of party committees, politbureau or executive to discuss candidates. Individually he's a family cabinet and a single man's party", he said.

Rao, who is also the TRS President, had yesterday announced party candidates for 105 of the total 119 Assembly segments.

Reddy said there is a possibility of forging opposition unity to take on the TRS.

"We are trying to discuss.Now the ball is in the court of the Congress. If they are really serious in defeating TRS, they should try for unity of all other opposition parties. They (the Congress) should take the initiative", he said.

CPI sources said the Congress, the TDP, Telangana Jana Samiti led by M Kodandaram, CPI and CPI-M could come together for fighting the election unitedly.

(Published 07 September 2018, 15:44 IST)