TRS protests PM Modi's remarks on Andhra bifurcation; calls him 'anti-Telangana'CM KCR went to the extent of demanding a new Constitution, complaining that the Centre was usurping powers of the states
Prasad Nichenametla
Last Updated IST
K Chandrasekhar Rao. Credit: PTI File Photo
K Chandrasekhar Rao. Credit: PTI File Photo

The ruling TRS ministers, leaders, cadres held statewide protests on Wednesday in objection of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's remarks in Parliament that Andhra Pradesh's bifurcation in 2014 was carried out in an improper manner.

The K Chandrasekhar Rao government has been at loggerheads with the BJP-led Central government, alleging that the state is being ill-treated in fund allocations, and other aspects.

KCR went to the extent of demanding a new Constitution, complaining that the Centre was usurping powers of the states with the excuse of concurrent list. The chief minister even skipped the PM's tour in Hyderabad last week.


Launching a broadside on the Congress in Parliament in Lok Sabha on Monday and Rajya Sabha on Tuesday, Modi said that undivided Andhra Pradesh had formed the crucial support in the formation of the two UPA governments, “but the Congress divided the state in a hasty manner.”

Modi referred to the commotion in the house when the Andhra Pradesh bifurcation bill was passed in February 2014, “with Parliament doors closed, mikes switched off, pepper spray used, and the bill passed with no discussion.”

Modi went on to claim that the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government had earlier created three new states – Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand – with no complications. The PM said that both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are continuing to suffer because of Congress's mishandling of the matter.

Incensed by the remarks, K T Rama Rao, a minister and TRS working president, called for protests with black flags, and burning of the BJP effigies.

“Utterly disgraceful of you Mr Prime Minister repeatedly insulting the decades of spirited struggle & sacrifices of the people of Telangana. I strongly condemn the absurd comments of PM & demand that he apologise to the people of Telangana,” KTR had tweeted.

Condemning the PM's remarks as “anti-Telangana”, finance and health minister Harish Rao said that the PM seems “is disquieted by the rapid strides Telangana is making on various development fronts, surging ahead of Gujarat.”

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(Published 09 February 2022, 19:37 IST)