When collector turned chauffeur for the driver
ETB Sivapriyan
Last Updated IST

It is not every day that a district collector takes to the wheel, but on Monday when Karur Collector T Anbazhagan decided to play the chauffeur, he surprised many since he drove his driver to his home.

Anbazhagan decided to drop home K Paramasivam, the driver, after hosting a grand farewell function at the district collectorate on his retirement day.

Anbazhagan, who escorted Paramasivam and his wife Banumathi to see them off at the portico of the Collectorate, suddenly asked for the keys of his SUV.


Anbazhagan then asked the couple to take the back seat of the official car and stunned everyone when he said he would drop the retired government servant at his home. And Anbazhagan did not stop there. The collector, who has earned the praise of many in the district for his down-to-earth approach with the common man, spent 30 minutes with Paramasivam’s family.

“It was not pre-planned at all. The idea of dropping him home in the very car that he drove for many years hit upon me during the farewell function and I decided to give him a pleasant surprise. Everyone is equal and I did this just out of my respect towards fellow human beings,” Anbazhagan told DH.

The district collector drove the 5-km distance from Collectorate to Paramasivam’s house in Gandhigramam. “Paramasivam was the official driver of the Karur Collector and he had driven safe many collectors through his service. Driving him home on the last day of his service was just a tribute to his service,” the collector said.

An elated Paramasivam, who worked in the Collectorate for 35 years, told DH that he never expected the collector to take the wheel.

“I was shocked when collector sir said he will drive the car. He is a very good human being and I will always cherish the memories made while working with him,” he said.

The former government employee is also happy that the collector had coffee and snacks at his house. “My family had bought a cake to be cut after I return home. Since the collector came home, he also witnessed the cake-cutting ceremony. The entire family is happy with his gesture,” he said.

(Published 03 May 2018, 19:24 IST)