An early wake-up call
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While trying to juggle the various responsibilities of daily life, one often ends up ignoring their health.

Untimely work hours and the constant pressure to meet deadlines are causing immense stress to almost everybody. A considerable amount of the population resorts to alcohol and smoking to counter the huge stress.

Due to this, there are times when certain life-threatening diseases show signs of occurrence. And there are many instances when they turn fatal just because of sheer ignorance. Regular screening and preventive check-ups have been known to avoid such

Preventive care relates to getting oneself checked medically on a routine basis. Under preventive screening, check-ups, including blood and urine tests are performed for cholesterol, different forms of cancers, blood pressure, depression, immunisations, vaccinations and pain points in the body to determine the condition of the overall health. Depending on the findings, the frequency of the check-ups is decided. In cases where there are pre-existing conditions for some diseases, it is absolutely essential to go for regular screenings to fight the symptoms as and when they appear or progress to a more alarming level.

Health check-ups can nip many health disorders in the bud, given people start taking them seriously. Time constraints become a major impediment and a major excuse when it comes to skipping such check-ups. Adding to this mess is our general ignorance and nonchalant attitude towards our own health.

Cancer is a huge risk and threat to most of us today. Hence, it is really important to go in for regular screenings, especially after the age of 40. For women it is all the more important as they are prone to varied forms of cancer. So, get checked every six months to avoid issues later. Women should particularly undergo pap smear and breast examination after mid-30s.

Likewise, even heart-related ailments are on the rise these days. Age is no bar for heart ailments and definitely demands a preventive screening every now and then. Currently, advancement in screening procedures have made it possible to
identify conditions that could put a person to cardiovascular diseases’ risk in future. Battling the symptoms even before they appear with timely check-ups also keeps the financial burden under check.

Right in your home

Thanks to the innumerable facilities today, many healthcare companies have brought the concept of preventive check-ups right to the people’s doorsteps. But homecare service providers have taken it to the next level, where the specialists conduct the check-ups and the outcomes shared with consulting doctors for analysis on a real-time basis. The medical staff is skilled to collect samples of blood, urine and even perform ECG and full-body examinations at home. For a more detailed touch, these providers also bring in specialists like physiotherapists who examine the pain points on the back, shoulders, neck and ankle – areas which are under constant pressure.

The nurse and nutritionists impart knowledge about the importance of being healthy and eating the right diet. After the check-up, the health data of the person screened is shared with his/her doctor concerned through video and telephonic consultations. After a review, the doctor prescribes the medication and health plan to be followed, which is shared with the person.

Technology has made way for a greater reach amongst the masses. So, utilise such services and save yourself from hardships later. A stitch in time saves nine and your health is the key for a happy life ahead.

(The author is head, medical services, HealthCare at home)

(Published 06 June 2015, 00:23 IST)