Find health underwater
Last Updated IST

Whether you are young or old, know to swim or not, aqua workouts are a great way to stay in the best of health this season, writes Kiran Sawhney.

Most of us hate stepping out in the scorching heat. But there is one way to enjoy an outdoor workout even during summer.

Ever heard of aqua workout?

Young or old, know to swim or not, water/aqua workouts are popular this season and with good reason.

Our body movements are naturally balanced in water.

Muscles that are tight on land, stretch easily with buoyancy in the water. Even lax muscles are strengthened with the resistance of water.


And since you will work against the resistance of water, you end up burning eight times more calories than in any other regular floor workouts.

This way, you increase your flexibility and core strength.

Yet, after a rigorous session in the water, you do not come out feeling sweaty. On the contrary, you feel fresh.

The hydrostatic pressure, that is the force of water against the body, acts like a
massage, thereby helping the circulation of blood to the heart more efficiently.

Water workout is, perhaps, the best means to condition the body.

It not only improves your physical fitness, but also washes away your stress and rejuvenates your spirit.

Water workouts have been known to decrease any external swelling in the body. It is a low-impact activity and hence, places no stress on the joints.

Aqua workout has been proven suitable to help cure a variety of ailments like arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, back problems, obesity and osteoporosis.

Perhaps your knees ache from jogging. Or you simply need to escape the urban
bustle. Whatever your motive, using water workouts as a way to improve strength and stay in shape, is super cool.

And it leaves you wanting for more.

Popular forms

There are various forms of aqua workouts done in the pool. They are, basically,
different forms of land exercises performed in water:

Aqua + Taichi  =  Aquachi

Aqua + Pilates  =  Aqualates

Aqua + Taekwondo  = Taekwonaqua

Aqua + Yoga  =  Yoqua

Aqua Benefits

Low-impact activity means no stress on the joints

Less likelihood of injuries

Effective means of rehabilitation

Refreshing change from sweating on land

Workout at your own pace

Great cross-training, especially for high-impact land athletes

Great stress reliever

Suitable for physically-limited participants

Eleminates heat build up

Provides participant with feeling of weightlessness

Provides natural massage and muscular tension release

Improves flexibility, balance and core strength

Choose only qualified instructors to workout with

Never hesitate to ask for your instructor’s credentials, experience and references

You do not have to be a swimmer to participate

You do not have to wet your hair or face during the workout


(Published 16 May 2014, 23:20 IST)