Goodness of amla
Last Updated IST
One such fruit is the Indian gooseberry or amla, considered the favourite of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Nothing can be truer as amla's myriad health benefits indeed support the adage health is wealth.
One such fruit is the Indian gooseberry or amla, considered the favourite of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Nothing can be truer as amla's myriad health benefits indeed support the adage health is wealth.
It is traditional to offer specific fruit as naivedya to gods and goddesses to please them which is said to bring us good health and wealth. In actuality, this norm is a way to introduce us to the health benefits of these ingredients. 

One such fruit is the Indian gooseberry or amla, considered the favourite of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Nothing can be truer as amla’s myriad health benefits indeed support the adage health is wealth.

n Ayurveda texts of Charaka Samhitha accord a high status to the Indian gooseberry and refer to it as the best rejuvenator, informing us that a natural glow or ojas can be obtained by regular intake of amla.

n Widely used in combinations of triphala and chyavanaprash, amla is a rich source of Vitamin C. A distinguishing property of the fruit is that despite processing, it does not lose its nutritive value because of compounds called tannins.

n As a cooling agent, Ayurveda promotes the use of gooseberry to balance the digestive fire element, and soothe the pitta element.

n Amla’s rich anti-oxidant property detoxifies and maintains the digestive, circulatory and excretory systems. This overall action nourishes and supports a healthy metabolism. Regular use of amla also aids in the healthy growth of nails, hair and replenishing dead skin with new one.

n As a rasayana, it promotes youthfulness, tones the tissues and builds immunity. In small quantities it works effectively as an astringent for bleeding gums and toothache. 

n Amla is also found to be beneficial to the nervous system and works as a brain tonic. Its cooling properties balance emotions, improve memory and cognitive abilities. 

n Amla is often made into a jam (called murrabba), candied or dried and powdered, for a long shelf life. When in season (which is now), stock up gooseberries and refrigerate after processing it in any of the above ways.
(Published 25 November 2016, 22:28 IST)