Have faith, will do...The give and take involved and invested into acro yoga reaps phenomenal benefits. Sign up with a partner this Yoga Day, suggests Satkam Divya
Satkam Divya
Last Updated IST

Does the term acroyoga make your head spin? Well, there’s hardly a need to fret as even as it may sound different, acroyoga can be easily done with a partner. Acroyoga is a mix of acrobatics, yoga, and also includes the many benefits of Thai massage.

Acroyoga is not just about the well-being of your mind and soul, but also about trust and building a community. This is why it works in a group of two people, the person on the mat, which is the base, and the person who’s elevated i.e. the flyer. Together, they form yoga asanas which help in building trust and connecting with one another.

Acroyoga is a great way to learn to support one another and also let yourself be supported by another. Here are some of the many benefits of acroyoga listed out for you:


It’s more fun

Doing anything with anyone makes it more fun and something that you look forward to. It may be difficult to wake up to the 6 am alarm for a yoga class, but you will find it hard to ignore a call from your friend or partner to go to the class with. Doing acroyoga requires two people to support each other with the strength of their body and also receive that support, which makes it more interesting and less boring, so your body gets the exercise and relaxation it needs without you feeling bored.

Makes you feel more relaxed

The element of joy and a feeling of staying connected in acroyoga will make you feel relaxed and make you realise that little troubles of life shouldn’t be taken too seriously. The connection that acroyoga builds helps release all the pent up stress in the body. Once the body relaxes, the mind is also at ease.

Helps you face your fears

Acroyoga can help you face your fears and let go of them. When you work with a partner in acroyoga, it makes you want to rely on the other and feel safe in the environment that you are in. You start letting go of inhibitions, fears, and build up more confidence within yourself.

More accepting

More often than not, we avoid working or engaging in conversations with certain people due to their personalities. Maybe they do not agree with our perspective or have a nature that’s diametrically opposite ours. In this case, acroyoga makes you accept those who are different. When you practise acroyoga with someone you don’t approve of, you start to accept them as they are hence, building a quality of accepting everyone around you as they are and being able to work well with them.

For anyone & everyone

No matter the body type or size, acroyoga is meant for and is suitable for everyone. You don’t have to be an expert dancer, acrobat or gymnast to do acroyoga. You will learn as you go, all you need to do is take the first step towards deciding to do it and just watch your life transform right before your eyes.

Better open communication

Since acroyoga is all about balancing one another and letting the other person support you, it requires communication and sharing of experience. Acroyoga gets you out of your comfort zone and makes you communicate and share your experience with your partner.

For courage & support

The joint effort that is required to do acroyoga ensures that partners provide each other support. This support starts reflecting in other spheres of life and helps develop a personality that is about supporting anyone and everyone around you.

(The author is CEO, KlinicApp)

(Published 18 June 2019, 01:00 IST)