It's about fitness, not figureMOMMY BODY
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It's about fitness, not figure
It's about fitness, not figure

The right way to get back in shape, after delivering your baby, is to gradually increase the intensity of your fitness regime, advises Neeraj Mehta.

Motherhood is a unique and precious experience in every woman’s life. But retaining a good figure after childbirth becomes a definite problem for many young mothers.

Several physiological and biological changes occur to a woman’s body after pregnancy and child birth. Her figure is, in truth, ruined. Watching herself in the mirror can become almost a daily torture to her. Sadly though, there is no instant solution! Getting back in shape after having delivered a baby is a gradual process that involves
atleast a year’s dedication and discipline.

First six weeks

The first six weeks after the birth of the baby are an intense time for new moms. First they need to recover from what is often a physically exhausting labour and delivery process. Then, the first time moms face stress from making the necessary adjustments to their lives, in making room for a new family member. With the baby being extremely dependent on the mother during these six weeks, the mother is hard-pressed to find any time for herself, let alone get back in shape! Therefore it is advisable for women to resume a mild walking program during this time. Initially, this should be nothing more than a 5 to 10 minutes walk, progressing gradually by adding about 5 minutes per week. Walking will enhance and tone the muscle of the lower
body and to some extent, the torso.

After six weeks

Motivating herself to carry-out her workout regime will in itself be a daunting task for the mother. Upper and lower back pain are common in post pregnancy period. After delivery the outstretched abdominal wall is loose and unsupportive to lower back. This weakness, combined with poor biomechanics while caring for their infants, can predispose new mothers to back pain.

The muscles of the torso need to be retrained to effectively stabilize the spine. Breastfeeding women should not exercise with painful breasts or with any abdominal pain, but before starting a fitness program they should get the medical clearance with their doctor.

The most important thing to remember before commencing the regime: comfort. Exercise should always be in the comfort zone of the mother. Also, good breast support is key to comfort during post pregnancy exercises for obvious reasons.
The new mother’s fitness regimen must include the following:

Core-strengthening exercise

*  Abdominal and back stretching
*  Abdominal crunches pulsing
*  Abdominal bracing with double heel slide
*  Abdominal bracing with double toe taps
*  Bridge
*  Hip lifts

Exercise for the entire body

* Modified pushups
* Wall squats
*  Stationary lunges
*  All 4 back extension
*  All 4 leg lifts

Watch your nutrition, not calories

One most common mistakes women make is to concentrate on their calories intake, while they should really be bothered about nutrition and fat intake.

A very well balanced diet is the first step in regaining the body’s strength to carry the extra weight the woman has gained post delivery. Only once the body regains that strength can the woman exercise to get her body back to fitness and only then can she think about weight loss and curvy figure!

[Warning: If the mother skips meals in the name of “diet”, she risks passing on toxins to her baby through breast feeding! Therefore it is very essential that she follow a nutritious diet instead of a figure-conscious one.]

Therefore, it is not a quick process; it can take a year. It is important that the new mother understands that only when she reaches for fitness, will a curvy figure follow.

(The writer is a fitness expert)

(Published 12 July 2013, 21:00 IST)