Jet lagged? Better head to a spa!
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Jet lagged? Better head to a spa!
Jet lagged? Better head to a spa!

 Don’t let jet lag rob you of the joys of travelling. Kerina Moore lists some of the best spa treatments that are sure to .

Jet lag is a common complaint of most travellers. Many try to deal with it by gulping down cups of caffeinated drinks, which only further dehydrates the body and consequently, drains more energy. Wellness experts, world-over, agree that opting for natural spa therapies is among the best ways to get over the imbalance in your body’s circadian clock.
 So, start your travel with one of these pampering treatments and enjoy a rejuvenating, jet-lag free experience.

Simply put, jet lag occurs when our natural body clock gets disturbed after travelling through many time zones. Sometimes jet lag manifests itself as mere drowsiness. But in other cases, it may also lead to fatigue, insomnia, headaches, nausea, disorientation and oedema.

 The disturbance to the normal circadian rhythm of the adult body takes approximately one day of recovery per time zone crossed and therefore, the jet lag can sometimes last for upto ten days.

Certain spa treatments can have a rejuvenating and energising effect on the body, to help it adjust quicker from the disruption  of one’s natural biological clock. Here’s looking at some of the most effective therapies to beat jet lag: 

Stimulate the right spot

Acupuncture stimulates specific energising points on the body, allowing the energy to transfer from one meridian to another, thus helping the biological clock to update itself. It brings along added advantages of better blood circulation and overall rejuvenation of body and mind. It is one of the most popular spa treatments for dealing with the effects of jet lag. 

Bathe in wellness

Thalassotherapy baths are another popular treatment, wherein you have  your own private relaxation area with a bubbling salt-water bath and powerful jets that massage you as you soak up the ambience. They also help to combat the effects of jet lag through re-mineralisation of the body. These baths alternate between the temperatures, with precise timing, to help revitalise the body. It stimulates the circulatory and immune systems as well as promotes detoxification. These baths reduce physical and emotional exhaustion, enabling the body to cope better with the effects of disrupted sleep.

Some like it hot

A particularly effective spa therapy that enables the body to re-energise itself and adapt to the altered time zones is the hot stone massage therapy. Heated basalt stones are placed on specific chakra points on the body. The heat from the stones helps to relax tissues and relieve tight muscles as well as increase metabolism and circulation. The therapy ultimately de-stresses and balances the meridians or  energy pathways of the body, helping to deal with jet lag in a short span of time. This session comes with the added benefit of reducing stress, anxiety, headaches, migraines and blocked energy in the body.  

Goodness of herbs and spices

Another therapy that is highly recommended is the Thai poultice massage. It involves special poultices made of herbs and spices that are wrapped in muslin or cloth and steam-heated. Steam heating allows the natural essential oils and aromas of the herbs and spices to be released. During massage, the poultices provide deep relaxation for the muscles and nourishment to the skin. They also work with one’s natural energy to promote harmonisation of the body’s energy flow.

Nourishing wraps and masks

Seaweed wraps revitalise the body, relax tired and lethargic muscles, and relieve stress, fatigue and jet lag. Another popular jet lag treatment is one that involves healing with a mineral-rich, warm, algae body mask. The body is wrapped in a heated blanket for 30 minutes. A full-body lymphatic drainage massage finishes this treatment that repairs the body's cellular metabolism after intense air travel. There are other massages that involve lymphatic strokes with detoxifying elements such as lemon, juniper and sea fennel. These nourish the body, reduce swelling of ankles and legs, and leave you feeling refreshed.

So, the next time you globe-trot, you know what to do, to make the experience more memorable and less jet-lagged. 

(The author is a spa manager with Azamara Club Cruises)

(Published 23 May 2014, 21:30 IST)