Now regenerate your degenerating joints
Last Updated IST
Pay attention to your bone health
Pay attention to your bone health

As we age, degeneration of cells  hastens. Many of us experience the ill effects of degenerating bone cells. Bones can weaken over a period of time, because of age, inadequate nourishment, or absence of activity and movement.  

Degenerative joint disorders like osteoarthritis can bring about the decay of the ligament tissue. The most commonly damaged joints  are those of the knee, hip, ankle and shoulder.  Treatment of such ailments are, unfortunately, often done with physiotherapy or surgical techniques.

However, now  there is a revolutionary new approach, which aims at reversing the disease by regeneration of damaged cells. Magnetic resonance therapy works in the same way as the MRI technology. It stimulates hydrogen protons through the use of radio waves, by putting them into a state of high energy. As the  therapy introduces energy into specific cells or groups to stimulate their regeneration; it can often lead to increased functioning of the joint and significant pain reduction.


Patients who experience low back pain, neck pain, tendinitis, fractures, knee and hip joint problems, cartilage tears, and ligament and tendon damage can also be treated with this therapy.  

This will give people  the option to avoid invasive methods of surgery and long-term physiotherapy.

(Published 16 November 2017, 16:12 IST)