Park ranger of the planetGO GREEN
Alvina Clara
Last Updated IST
Park ranger of the planet
Park ranger of the planet

It’s our job to protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for the current and future generations. Alvina Clara suggests small steps towards a greener world.

Going green is not just about making assiduous decisions to purchase green products; it is also about incorporating lifestyle changes that benefit the environment. The term ‘green’ has a purpose behind it - adopting habits that positively impact the environment. There is copiousness of big and small changes that can be put into practice every day to make our home and life more earth-friendly.

To be calculatedly eco-friendly has more to do with celebrating God’s
creativity, being wise with what He has given us, and passing on those values to the next generation. Being environment-friendly is just good economics – for our home and the earth. There are many little things we can do in our homes to play a small part in reducing landfill waste, purifying the air and preserving the natural landscape. 

Green is the prime colour of the world, the shade which lends the planet its loveliness. Isn’t it our duty, as inhabitants of this earth, to protect this loveliness? If each one of us decides to tread the green path, become a park ranger of the planet, there’s no reason why we can’t live in a healthy, happier environment. Let’s look at a few simple lifestyle changes that can change our world:

What you sow

Do you have some space on your property, where you can plant a few trees? A small garden automatically adds beauty to your surroundings. It not only makes your residence more aesthetically appealing, but also ups the wellness quotient. Trees and green plants help to decrease pollutants in the air, making what you breathe cleaner and safer air. So, the next time you go gift-hunting why not pick up some exotic plants? Exchange saplings as gifts with friends, relatives and loved ones.

Water, water, everywhere

Someday, there will be a war over water. It may sound crazy, but as each day passes, the theory is gradually moving closer to becoming a reality. Some parts of the world are already experiencing acute water-shortage.

So, make an effort to conserve water. Shower smart, keep the tap shut while brushing your teeth, use the toilet flush incisively. Use water judiciously while washing the dishes. There’s no need to run the faucet full-blast. It’s prudent to reduce the water stream and allow it to trickle over your dishes, while rinsing them off. It takes a bit of time and patience, but you won’t believe how much water you’ll save by doing this! Also try collecting rainwater, and use it to water your houseplants and garden.

Switch it off

Save electricity. Switch all your light bulbs to CFLs (or at least switch a few). Turn off the lights when you leave the room. And you don’t have to turn on the lights every time you enter a room; open the curtains, soak in the natural light during the day.

Another important thing to do is lower the temperature on your water heater. Also, make it a point to unplug all chargers and appliances when not in use.

What a waste!

Re-use and re-cycle is the mantra. Create a homemade compost bin for all perishable kitchen waste, which can be used as manure for your garden. Start using eco-friendly and recyclable bags made of jute, cotton cloth and the like. Reuse paper. Make it a point to print on both sides, or let your kids colour on the back side of used paper.

Choose wisely. Use cloth napkins instead of paper for dining, wiping and cleaning. Donate clothes that you have outgrown or wish to discard (but are worthy of being worn) to those in need. Make the best out of what you think is waste.

Some like it cold

Microwaves, ovens and stoves take up a lot of energy. Instead of eating up so much energy to make a hot meal, why don't you go in for something cold? For instance, a cold salad can be just as
nutritious and yummy as a hot soup. You could, perhaps, skip the hot cup of coffee or sweltering tea, and opt for a cold milkshake or refreshing fruit juice instead. The options are endless!

We don’t have another planet to go to. We need to care for the one we have. Going green isn’t all that tough really. All it takes is lots of little changes to make a really big difference to our planet. It’s our job to protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for the current and future generations. So, go ahead and do your bit to bring about the change you want to see in this world.

(Published 05 December 2014, 20:20 IST)