Sleep tight and wake brightWell being
Last Updated IST

Sleep is a gentle consoler, often having the power to drive away the sorrows of the wretched and banish the pain of those who lie in torture upon a bed of sickness.

Sleep is important for learning and creativity and moreover, sleep deprivation results in intellectual deprivation. Sleep is a vital component of overall wellbeing, affecting the mental, physical and emotional health of adults and children alike.

The World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) aims to lessen the burden of sleep problems on society through better prevention and management of sleep disorders. Insufficient sleep may lead to poor alertness, lack of attention, reduced concentration, decreased work and academic productivity, and even motor vehicle accidents.

One should always follow a routine of meditation, good eating and positive thinking. Increasing stress due to various responsibilities at work and home is a leading cause for the people who complain of various sleep disorders. Proper meditation and various healing therapies can help onself to tackle pressure and enjoy a great sleep at night.

The major isssues behind sleep related problems are hectic and pacey lifestyle in metros. People are least bothered about proper sleep. Improper diets and lack of nutrition are two other important reasons behind sleep disorders.

In our country, increasing trend of junk foods is a major concern as it doesn't serve proper nutritional requirements of a human body and ultimately results in poor health.

(Published 29 March 2013, 19:56 IST)