Sparking joyIn need of some motivation to lift your spirits? Here are some lockdown takeaways that will help you cope better, writes Pooja Prabbhan
Pooja Prabbhan
Last Updated IST
Senior woman at home
Senior woman at home

Not too long ago, the Danish concept of Hygge amassed widespread intrigue. It got millennials thinking and wondering if such a way of being — a sense of cosiness derived from being contented with life in just the way it is — could indeed bring joy. Fast forward to now, the entire world grapples under a global health crisis, pushing people to the confines of their homes — urging them to look inwards, mull over things in the retrospect and reflect.

This, in turn, evokes a rather important question: Is it possible for people to be happy right now, in this situation? Turns out, the answer is a yes. While it might seem like a hard pill to swallow, the response is exactly what we need, in order to imbibe some of the greatest lessons offered to us in the guise of a lockdown.

Some senior citizens, seasoned entrepreneurs and experts from myriad fields, dish out interesting perspectives that will push one to rethink our current circumstances.

Dr PK Ramachandran

Pause & erase

“It is now that we should focus our minds to see how much we usually miss due to the frenetic activity in our lives. Engaging the mind by learning a new skill that you truly enjoy. Do it for yourself — learn a new instrument, delve into reading prose, and possibly learn a new language, because keeping the mind occupied broadens one’s outlook and enables one to tackle problems with ease — a life skill that will do you a power of good, long after the lockdown is lifted,” suggests Dr P K Ramachandran, consultant surgeon, adding how time can be best utilised to calm a frazzled mind. “The best way to relax the mind is to sit calmly on a comfortable folded blanket. Take a few deep breaths rhythmically and slowly, keeping your eyes and spine erect. Keep your mind focused on a spot as you breathe in and out, and let not thoughts distract you. Doing this for 15-20 minutes daily will make your mind calm and energise your body.”

Takeaway: Use the period to strengthen your mind, and connect the missing dots…is there an area of your life that you can tweak? Think harder…

Anil and Padmaja

Be productive

Keeping busy is a great idea, one must tread with caution while doing so, advise Anil Bhandary, founder at unique spirits and his home-maker wife Padmaja Bhandary. “Cooking keeps me busy and occupied during the day. I also cook for the staff of the building which makes me feel that I am doing something to help someone in need. I think this is a great time to take up an activity that can benefit you and those around you,” begins Padmaja, while Anil enthuses that the key is to be productively engaged. “I think one should keep themselves busy fruitfully. Having hobbies that work for you, and keeps you happy is what matters. You do not need to follow fads. Let’s not make this a rat-race — something that young people can be guilty of, given the social media pressure that continues to lurk even during a crisis.”

Takeaway: Be patient with yourself, and be convinced that this too shall pass.

Dr P K Pratapchandran

All about creativity

“Time was running out. One week into the lockdown stubbles started appearing, along with hair without the hair dye. The gaunt and dismal countenance spurred us into activating our grey cells,” begins Dr P K Pratapchandran, Managing Trustee, Dresden Charitable Trust, Puducherry. “After a serious brain-storming session over Zoom, a number of ideas came up. There was consensus that a ‘makeover’ was the need of the hour and would be the starting point of the activity zone and so ‘makeover’ it was. With salons shut, we got to work at home and with a little help from the lady of the house, we called it the ‘Covid Summer Shear’. The effect on the group was electrifying with various hairdos, and many like me taking the easy way out by a simple shearing job. The discussions that followed went on for more than a week with participants from super seniors and the die-hard cynics. The reaction was too good to be true.”

Takeaway: Make the most of the moment, milk on the ‘stay-home’ opportunity and create a wacky to-do list — tick off everything you weren’t able to. Who’s watching, anyway?

Roop Raj

Be opportunistic & proud

Haven’t we all secretly envied that one person who seems to be sorted despite the mess they’re wading through. Turns out, one doesn’t require a superpower to maintain a positive demeanour in the face of adversity. Look for the best — even if it requires looking harder on some days. “Take this up as a challenge, hunt around for even the smallest of opportunities to convert to your advantage. Use your digital expertise to your advantage and see if you can reinvent yourself digitally or tap into an interesting avenue digitally,” opines Roop B Raj, founder at ZENER.

Takeaway: If all fails, express gratitude for the simple yet significant joys of life — ample family time.

Janaki C M

Just be

Were you aware that most of the senior citizens, including those in your family, experience bouts of acute loneliness as we get into the grind? Use this time to show your older relatives that they matter. “Stay indoors, and give your aged member a listening ear. You’ll be surprised by the new conversations that unfold — we are not really boring,” quips Janaki C M, a senior citizen, adding, “I think it’s all about the way one sees it. Staying at home for extended periods of time for the older generation isn’t new. Youngsters must use this to go on a trip down memory lane — rest assured, you will be thrilled.” Thinking along similar lines, Chandrika Sreenivasan, a senior citizen concludes, “As a senior citizen, I feel the biggest blessing is seeing family members have real, face-to-face conversations after so long. It’s something we’ve taken for granted, and continue to take for granted. Look around, and revel in the stories your grandparents and parents would love to share — invest some time with them, give them a chance and you’ll be surprised at how your seemingly “ordinary” family surprises you.”

Takeaway: Spend time with an aged family, you’ll be thrilled at the tales that unfold.

(Published 09 June 2020, 00:29 IST)