A complete guide to tooth sensitivity
Last Updated IST

Most people suffering from tooth sensitivity choose to ignore the symptoms. But why give up your life's simple delights when you can lead a sensitivity-free life by just changing some daily oral care habits. Today, one in three adults in India suffers from tooth sensitivity, which is an alarming 34% of the population, but only one in five addresses the problem.

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem that can develop over time, as a result of receding gums and enamel wear. It begins to develop when the softer, inner part of the tooth called 'dentine' - which lies under the enamel and gums - becomes exposed.

Thousands of microscopic channels run through the dentine towards the centre of the tooth. Once the dentine is exposed, external triggers (such as a cold drink or ice cream) can stimulate the nerves inside the tooth, resulting in the characteristic short, sharp sensation of tooth sensitivity.


With so much stress and anxiety around tooth sensitivity, it's not surprising that we have made up several myths about it over the years. Sometimes we choose to believe these myths rather than find out the truth. So, let's bust a few myths around tooth sensitivity:

Myth 1: Cavities cause tooth sensitivity. Fact: This is true, but not all the time. Tooth decay causes sensitivity, but one may also experience sensation without it. Tooth sensitivity primarily occurs when the enamel of the tooth gradually wears away, exposing the dentine.

Myth 2: Only cold sugary food causes sensitivity. Fact: When exposed dentine comes into contact with anything hot, cold, sweet, or sour, it can trigger the nerves and cause a sensation.

Myth 3: Tooth sensitivity is temporary. Fact: The sensations may come and go, but if tooth sensitivity is left untreated, it can get in the way of your everyday life. The enamel contains no living cells, and hence can't regenerate once it starts wearing out. So, tooth sensitivity may be a permanent condition.

Myth 4: Brushing right after meals is good. Fact: Brushing is not only good on teeth, but also on your gums and tongue. But after eating or drinking, your teeth's outer layers are temporarily softened. So, brushing soon after rubs these acids into the enamel, breaking them down and exacerbating the sensitivity. It is recommended to wait at least half an hour before brushing to let your saliva naturally neutralise the acids.

Myth 5: There is no solution for sensitive teeth. Fact: Sensitive teeth can and should be taken care of. Depending on the cause of sensitivity, a dentist may recommend special desensitising toothpaste or alternative ways to relieve sensitivity.

Myth 6: Tooth sensitivity does not worsen with time. Fact: With the progressive erosion of the tooth enamel, the dentine may get increasingly exposed. As a result, external triggers might stimulate the nerves, and result in enhanced sensations.

Myth 7: Sensitivity-treating toothpaste has to be used temporarily, or as a supplement to regular toothpaste. Fact: Tooth-sensitivity can be relieved by replacing the regular toothpaste with a daily-use toothpaste which has been specifically formulated to take care of this condition.

A report put together by the Oral Health Foundation presents some shocking facts around oral care habits. It states that only one in four adults admit they don't brush twice a day, including a third of men; one in 10 admit that they regularly forget to brush their teeth; 42% of adults use just a toothbrush and toothpaste for their oral care; one in three people have never flossed their teeth.

Keeping this in mind, here are some quick and easy tips to maintain good oral hygiene and health for all age groups.  

Floss regularly

Use a mouthwash

Chew sugar-free gum

Clean your tongue

Wash food down with water or milk

Eat crunchy vegetables

Prevent teeth grinding

Avoid acidic foods and drinks

If you are feeling a similar discomfort, and especially if it persists, the best measure you can take is to visit your dentist and seek professional advice on the most suitable oral care routine for you and the best tooth brushing technique (how often and when).

Once diagnosed, switching your basic toothpaste to the one that is formulated especially for sensitive teeth will help provide greater relief. Needless to say, incorporating good habits into your daily oral health routine can go a long way.

(The writer is a dentist, perio ­dontist and implantologist)

(Published 20 February 2018, 23:40 IST)