Dalai Lama on humanity is one
Last Updated IST

Are we truly our brothers’ keepers? Indeed, my experience has taught me that the answer is yes. It is easy to help those we love. But those who detest us, those who’ve stolen our freedom, those who’ve abu-sed us, I must care for them too.

Our Beloved Buddha says, “I firmly believe that we must cultivate a greater sense of universal respons-ibility. We must learn how to work not just for ourselves, our family, or our nation, but for the good of humanity.  Universal responsibility is
the best possible basis to ensure our personal happin-ess and world peace. It imp-
lies that everyone be given equal access to natural resources, by protecting the
environment for future generations.”

In order to move forward as a united world, a fragile blue pearl of a planet, we have to let go of the idea that we deserve more than others.  Forgiveness has to come before we can truly break bread with our enemies.  Forgiveness, as Lord Jesus once said….because they know not what they do.

Furthermore, His Holiness points out, “Many problems in the world arise because we have lost sight of the basic humanity that unites all members of the human family.  We tend to forget that despite the diversity of race, religion, culture, language, and ideology, we all have an equal and fundamental right to peace and happiness. Each one of us wants to be happy and not to suffer.”

Surely most mothers grieve for their sons killed in the cross fire between opponents.  One day there are two boys; then in a flash they are enemies. 

If each mother could recognize the ache in the other mother’s heart, would they allow their sons to go to war?  We fight over things…..oil, beliefs, land.  When did boys want to blow them selves up for causes not related to them?  Boys do not want to fight wars for old men.  Boys want to pay ball, sing songs, and dance.

Dalai Lama warns, “Although we theoretically praise pluralism, unfortunately we often fail to put it into practice.

(Published 03 May 2016, 10:00 IST)