Evergreen memories
Zohra Shaikh
Last Updated IST
Representative image/iStock
Representative image/iStock

We first met in the summer of 1994. Our parents had taken us to the Garden City of Bengaluru for our annual vacation. We were staying at a hotel in Majestic area. During the course of our stay, my little brother got acquainted with the room attendants. They had a pet parrot whom we promptly named Mitthu. That was how we met!

Mitthu was a feisty little chap and we took to each other instantly. We loved to feed him chillies, peanuts and guavas. When it was time for us to leave, Mitthu’s caretakers generously handed him over to us as we had grown so fond of him. The journey we embarked on together was an unforgettable one.

Back home, Mitthu settled in quite comfortably. Eventually, he got so spoilt that his demeanour totally changed. He was now royalty personified. Even his tastes had changed literally. Almonds and omelettes had become his favourite savouries.


Mitthu’s favourite perch was atop a wooden seat propped up against our kitchen wall. It was as though his Royal Highness sat scrutinising the state of affairs of his court which just happened to comprise a rooster and a couple of hens. Somehow they always managed to sneak into the kitchen through the rear door.

It was so amusing to see Mitthu, wings outstretched, chasing away the bewildered trio and then coming back, satisfaction writ, large over his face. It was a David versus Goliath kind of feat.

Our biggest challenge when we brought Mitthu home was to keep him safe from our cat. She had been looking for an opportunity to lay her paws on the unwelcome green-feathered, red-beaked avian and make a meal of him.

My uncle came to the rescue with the most ingenious idea one could think of. Holding her by neck, he brought her face to face with Mitthu. And then came what she never expected-a smouldering incense stick planted purposefully on to her posterior. This modus operandi was repeatedly unit it had desired effect. Consequently, whenever our cat was confronted with Mitthu, she would stop dead in her tracks, fume with rage, then actually take a U-turn and leave the scene. She must have really despised him because he was the prey she could never prey upon!

Mitthu’s previous caretakers used to clip her flight feathers so that he wouldn’t fly away. We didn’t have the heart to do so. Well, time flew away...and so did our friend. Adios amigo!

(Published 04 April 2020, 01:03 IST)