In praise of praiseWe expect others to fulfil their duties but fail to appreciate any competent work
Leela Ramaswamy
Last Updated IST

The other day, I called a friend to thank him for his timely assistance in what was a difficult situation. With characteristic humility, he declared that he had only done his duty, but I could sense that he was immensely pleased with the acknowledgement of a job well done.

This made me wonder why we do not acknowledge and appreciate good work more often than we normally do.

I have yet to meet a person who does not welcome and react positively to praise. Everyone likes to be acknowledged—to be thanked for working hard and to see sincerity and creativity appreciated.
As a teacher for many years, I have seen that even small acts of praise pay great dividends.


A star at the end of an exercise that is well-done or a one-liner conveying appreciation for work executed with care works wonders for strengthening morale. Often enough, this brings a sea change in attitudes. She or he gives up old ways, strives harder, and reaches greater heights.

This is true not just of children alone; it works just as well for those who are older. In fact, praise is something we look forward to and value to the end of our lives. What is more, it makes the receiver as well as the giver happier and lighter in spirit. Why then are we so slow in
bestowing praise?

It does seem strange, but not only are we niggardly at giving praise but also indulge in complaining, just the opposite of praise.

We expect others to fulfil their duties but fail to appreciate any competent work. If we have a problem, we feel justified in complaining until the situation is resolved. On the other hand, we feel no compulsion to say anything if the job is done to our satisfaction. We tell ourselves that they have simply done what was
their duty.

This is not to point out that we must lavish praise indiscriminately. That would not only be useless but also close to flattery, which comes from ulterior motives. Fortunately, it can easily be recognised as false by a discerning person.

As Sam Walton, the well-known business leader, says, ‘Nothing else can substitute a few well-chosen, well-timed sincere words of praise. They are absolutely free and worth
a fortune’.

(Published 12 April 2023, 23:16 IST)