Is there Moksha?
Last Updated IST

There is no doubt that each of us desires to be happy in life and share our happiness with people around us. Yet, most of us today yearn for peace and end up seeking mukti (total liberation from this world) when the going gets difficult.

Some of us even go to the extent of desiring moksha, i.e., permanent liberation from birth and death.

However, one must understand that the concept of mukti does not hold true because all souls have their individual imperishable roles to play in this world drama. Hence, if they attain mukti, then they cannot play their part in this drama and if they were ever in the mukti stage, they wouldn't have come to this world and taken birth in a human body.

It’s a proven fact that we humans turn to God and seek liberation from this world of sorrow when we are under bondage and suffering. In fact, some of us are so repulsed and troubled by our sins and suffering that we start seeking liberation from the Almighty.
But, in our pursuit of liberation, we fail to realise that we all are in the ‘Iron Age’ today, i.e., Kaliyuga, when all souls have become completely impure and where life is an unending saga of struggle, suffering and temporary pleasures.

It is this time when the Supreme Almighty descends at the end of Kaliyuga to liberate all of us from sins and suffering and to re-establish the Golden Age on the earth.
But, He first liberates us from the bondage of body consciousness and vices, which have been the root causes of our sorrow and miseries.

This liberation paves the way for our mukti, i.e., going back to the soul world where all the souls are free from body, actions and relationships.

As a loving father to all souls, the Almighty Supreme also imparts the knowledge of good actions, which when performed, entitles human souls to enjoy the reward of jeevan mukti where life is lived in a pure state of harmony, joy, peace and freedom without any kind of attachments and desires.

Remember, attaining mukti is to remain free from actions and suffering in complete peace. Whereas, attaining jeevan mukti means to experience more than just peace, i.e., to have lasting abundance, joy, love and harmony for many births. So, the ultimate choice is ours, whether to go for mukti or get a direct ticket for jeevan mukti. ​Think it over.

(Published 22 November 2014, 09:15 IST)