My tree of birdsRIGHT IN THE MIDDLE
Syeda Mirza
Last Updated IST

As I sit and enjoy my early morning cuppa, I am entertained by the most delightful birdsong. It comes from the large Ficus tree just beyond my balcony. The tree itself is a joy to behold with its dark shiny leaves and bright red berries. The many birds hopping in its branches, enjoying the fruit and warbling away is a scene that makes my day.

There are Parakeets, Pigeons, Mynahs, Koels, Bulbuls and there is a pair of Golden Orioles. There are Crows too who come & go and rather spoil it for the other birds. The Parakeets arrive all together shrilly announcing their arrival, after a while they decide to fly away, all together again, a green crescent rising up into the sky. The Pigeons live in the apartment building nearby, and come pirouetting one by one, their grey colour set off by the metallic green of their necks and pink feet in lovely contrast.

The Mynahs come in pairs, very confidently, and never wander too far from each other, They can be spotted easily with their distinctive eyes, and orange beaks and feet. The Koel's velvety black presence is felt more by hearing than seeing. Their calls and answering calls echo in the garden all day.


Mr and Mrs Bulbul also come together. If one hops to another branch, the other follows. The Golden Orioles' yellow and black marking makes them the most visible of all the winged visitors. They are a real treat to watch as they daintily hop from branch to branch looking for the best morsels. They always stay close to each other and when they have had their fill, fly off together.

The harmony is disturbed by the crows. When they descend there is a cacophony and a lot of flapping of wings. They gradually settle down when they realise there is enough fruit for all. There are some other birds that I have not been able to identify as they are not easily seen, but their joyous trilling adds to the avian orchestra.

Two pairs of squirrels come along to join the party enjoying the red berries. Their quick movements and excited chirruping added to the chorus. They scamper up and down and when they have had their fill, they scurry away with their tails held up and their cheeks bulging.

All too soon, my ‘me time’ is up. Though I would love to linger and lose myself in these enchanting moments I tear myself away. I know it will be there for me tomorrow and for a few more days. When the berries on the Ficus tree are finished, this scene will be over too, till the next season. However, these little creatures know there is a Provider who will guide them to their sustenance in every season.

(Published 09 March 2022, 23:03 IST)