Negatives of seeing negatives
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It was a social event wherein several invitees were seated in serried rows of systematically arranged seats. I was overhearing the colloquy in the front row. It was pivoted around some peregrination to a pilgrimage place that possibly had some unpleasant glitches due to poor management by the travel agency.

One was whining, “The food was unappetising. The restrooms were pong-filled. Everything looked disorganised. I didn’t savour a single moment all through my stay.” To this, the other person remarked, “Well, I didn’t take cognizance of those supposedly unsavoury snags. I was busy admiring the architectural marvels of ancient temples and the artistic sculptures. It was a visual spectacle, which was simply spell-binding.”

Well, many times it so happens that we miss out some of life’s irretrievable great moments due to our mind’s uncanny attitude to detect negatives in everything, and in everyone. It may be a friend, relative, colleague, or a neighbour. Out of one hundred times, they might have done 99 good things to us. But one wrong move by them is enough to misconstrue and magnify their wrong action, and to have all those 99 good things to get fully eclipsed!

No wonder human relations are more fragile than china-bone crockery in today’s times! Little do we understand that each human has his/her own set of flaws, and that no one is perfection-personified. So, due to our negative attitude, if we allow dents to keep forming/destroying every relation, then we’d be left with none to depend upon during our difficult times. The loss would then be irrevocably ours, for, good relations are hard to find.

This apart, negative-seeing (in others, in ourselves, in our lifestyle/profession) engenders tonnes of negative energies, which in turn, spark a pall of mental gloom, which in turn, trigger bouts of doldrums and despondent moods.

On the contrary, the positive-viewing proffers inner calm andcheer besides aiding us foster great human relations. Moreover, it’s said people having mind for perceiving only negatives, are kind of equated with those fatuous crows that go in search of bitter-replete neem trees, by abandoning the succulent-mango-laden ones!

(Published 23 September 2016, 09:23 IST)